Thursday, November 13, 2003


I may finally rejoice!! well for like 3 weeks... my dad is going back to taiwan till december 7th.... this will be interesting :).... way different actually... its kinda funny, my mom is back in taiwan as well.... well i guess i'm the only Liu in vegas from my family... its actually kinda scary... I know that i'm not where i want to be at this time and age... i'm kinda scared as to where i'll be in about 3 years.... i look at lots of my friends from chicago and they're all in respectable schools with respectable marks in class... then i look at me... i work at a burger place, haven't started school... barely living in my dad's place paying rent with a hell of a lot more crap than i need right now.... while they're havin fun with their sororities and gettin drunk haha.... i guess i better kick it in 2nd gear and do this right... but anyway... i'm all alone.... at home.... i guess its nothing too different... well i knew that my dad would be home if i needed to ever get yelled at, or my mom would be home if i ever needed some food... but now that they're both gone for 3-4 weeks... its like, now its me... all me.....