Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Seriously, I really really hate talking to my mom. Tonight was just one of those really pissed off to the point of crying nights. All I wanted to do is just talk to her, perhaps let her into my life, since everyone and their moms are starting to enjoy the whole holiday season with their families. But no... I'm sick of her loaded statements. I'm sick of her not letting me move on and change. I'm always held to a standard that she's developed back when I was 14 and judging me by mistakes that I've made. She just wont let anything go. I'm sick of her preconceived crap. I'm really sick of trying. 
Brandon calmed me down for a bit, thankfully... It is always a bit embarassing being fully loaded with tears and flexing every single muscle in the body in anger. We went for a drive and talks stuff over. I'm glad that I had someone to pull me out of a fury. Thanksgiving. rocks. as sharp as glass. 

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