Saturday, February 05, 2011


Work was really kind of fun tonight!! I was on board-- that's right Level 2-- Woot woot!! Take that, all you other level 2's!! HA... I've been out and about more than ever lately. It's been kind of taxing, but it's been fun for sure. School is all over the place now with my schedule occupying random times from monday-thursday. I really got annoyed with it all. I ended up freaking out quite a bit due to the amount of driving I do within a day.  Hanging out with people has been fun though. A select few on my list kind of make my life a little more interesting. I really kind of wish that I could figure things out faster, although I don't really need to. I'm getting the crazy pressure to get married--or date girls who are ready for marriage. I mean, yeah, that is one of the main reasons of dating at this point, but I kinda just want to have fun!! Ha. Don't get me wrong, marriage looks fun and all, and would probably eliminate a lot of the drama that usually occurs, but I think the experience of having crazy emotions is one to learn from haha. I've enjoyed freaking out about the girls. It's been really funny and sometimes awkward! It makes me think and grow in a weird sense. So yeah, meeting new people and having a blast--totally a priority. I've been playing StarCraft 2!! Yes, I'm pretty good for jumping back into things. Why am I pretty good and not just sucky?? I have special blood. Skills run through my veins. I bond with the corded mouse--definitely not the wireless mouse. I feel, and it moves. I have found my free addiction :)

Sunday, January 23, 2011

12 days later?

Really? Has it really been 12 days? Sometimes, I feel that time passes so fast, but in this case, I look back and only 12 days have gone by. With so much going on in my life at the moment, I don't feel like I have had the moment of realization that I needed to have! Monday, school starts. I'm pretty nervous about that all, I don't know why, I guess because that there's still so much for me to really think about and sort out before the classes really hit. On top of that, there's always the girl scene. I've never been so active in attending activities and actually looking forward to attending these activities at church. I mean I love the activities, but I love the people more! I really do have a fantastic ward family going on. It's been such a blessing to have them around and to bring me back to reality. It's been fun being crazy, outgoing, and not so much depressed! New experiences are for me to manhandle and learn from, and boy, I've sure stretched myself and have been manhandling a lot of random situations. I went out to dinner with Ashley this past week. I really love that girl, she's so great to talk to, even though at times she's a little crazy. Well, they all are really, those Squires'. It was a fun little hang out time, and a good time to catch up a bit. I don't know exactly what's going on in her head or life, so much is happening in her life that I've lost track of everything. We talked about girls, food, life, myself, Britt. Kind of the fun ventings that I'd like to normally have. Tomorrow, I speak at church. I'm pretty excited for one reason or another. I finally have a calling!! I'm on the welcoming committee and basically have no idea exactly what I'll be doing... except I'll be welcoming people. Apparently I've got to be at church at 11:30 to discuss things.... a bit early, but it should be fine. Afterward, dinner at Jansen's parents. Well, I've also accepted the assignment to speak tomorrow. I better get on that. I'm pretty lax about that as well. The couple years of preparation pretty much come in handy, now I just need to pray to find out what I really need to talk about :)

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Seriously, I just got invited to another 7 weddings in this upcoming Feb-Apr time frame!! That's like a total of 18... Holy heck man.


Work still is work, and is still kinda sucky...

Craisins are pretty much the most delicious and somewhat healthy snack.... sugar and cranberries; such a good mix!

I made some delish stir fried bok choi... that wok really is quite useful!

I want to dye my couch..

I'm selling my camera, trying to upgrade with the cash i have.

My room is a mess again...

grapefruit is so aromatic!

I need to mail off Britt's shirt...

I had sushi last night.... it was awesome... good times with good peeps! Malibu and Ara are pretty fun girls!

I think I'll be shooting with Trevon Angulo sometime this week, hopefully sooner rather than later... that'll be a good experience

Saturday, January 08, 2011

Really now... really

Well I've been loving on taking pictures. I've been sort of learning how to work things out with the equipment that I have, and thankfully, it's been yielding some pretty decent results. The flash is still somewhat hard to work with, I definitely need more time and experience working with flash. It probably doesn't help that my equipment isn't exactly compatible with each other, which makes me limited to the amount of distance between the flash and myself. Blah, someday, I'll have what I need.

The inner workings of my body seem to be malfunctioning on a daily basis. My nose has just started to randomly gush out this pus-like fluid. It really kind of looks like white blood cells and stuff from other wounds. It's a bit scary. My throat, as of 20 minutes ago, started to get a bit stiff and sore. Kind of lame.

My job interview may also yield some results. I got called to take a drug test by Monday at 5. I'm pretty nervous about it, but I'm sure that the extra income will help a whole lot. This semester will be pretty dang hard I believe. I still need my full time credits and stuff, and will have to figure out how I'm going to discipline myself more fully. I figured that most of my typical distractions are gone, and that I'll probably be able to work things out. I'm sure Jansen would remind me to do work. And besides, I can't afford to retake another class. 1 is enough.

I hate the void. It's annoying.
Nostalgia-- also just as annoying.

Yesterday's sunset was gorgeous. I should take pictures of them when I can.

Just Dance 2 is a pretty dang fun game to have for the Wii. That and Netflix make me really want to own one. I'm glad that I don't have one, and that I'd rather have a MacBook Air instead though haha..
Hanging out with LVHS kids that know Brittany has been really fun. A lot of them are really funny and cool to chill with, they're super accepting and just outgoing. I've enjoyed my couple days with them, and well, I've met a few new friends across the town now. Who knows when the next time I'll actually see them all together will be, but I'm sure it'll be a blast.

My 24-105mm IS f/4L lens is pretty nice for what I do, although I still think that upgrading to the 70-200mm IS f/2.8L will make a dramatic difference in pop and color that'll come. I really hope that I'll be able to get one of those eventually. I also hope to get a body that can capture video! I found that one of Britt's friends has one and it's really fun to play with. The kit lense for the Canon XS kinda sucks, and I thought to myself that my 24-105 would be great for it! Dramatic Zoooooom in... quick zoom out... I picture The Office type zooms and framing quite often. Kind of fun.

InO has been killer. I'm glad that I only have 3 days next week. I'm pretty much stoked to stack a load of hours on hanging out with Karalee. Gosh I love that woman, she's still so funny and she reminds me of so many things.

I'm really gosh dang tired now. Today's daily events were really cool and somewhat awkward towards the end (first's are always weird).

Bed. It's Early.

Thursday, January 06, 2011

Can you FEEL it!?

Well, after a good successful night of cooking and hanging out with friends, I sure did head over to the Lindquist's for a little Despicable Me and a full body massage! Yeah, I'm no longer a full body massage virgin. My oh my, it was pretty intense and went by all too quickly. I couldn't believe how fast 1:15 went by!! Needles to say, it was amazing.
So food was pretty good. I ended up learning a bit on the wok. It sure is different than using a pan!! I should've taken pictures of it all. Fried rice, string beans, chicken and onions, white rice. All good. Nom nom nom...
I heard someone wanted to set someone else on a date with someone that I know tonight. The first thing that ran into my head was "realllly?!?" followed by "seriously!?" and "what?!" Sometimes my mind just can't comprehend what other people think. I know that's quite normal thankfully, but really this was just one of those.... "wait... what?!" moments. I laughed and challenged it anyway.
Well, my room is clean. I've enjoyed that. Scriptures read. I'm home safe. I had a good night. I'm sore. I had a weird day at work. I had fun afterward for sure.
Oooh, work.. yeah, I've been asked today "what's wrong?" enough times to annoy any grown man. the whole "you're not being yourself" or "you're not super bouncy and excited" really grows old fast. On that note, not that I'm depressed or anything, but apparently injuries to the lower back and tailbone have influences towards depression. I learned that while I was getting my butt rubbed... which by the way, was really weird.. my right butt cheek definitely is more ticklish than my left.
I really want to get a watch. I saw one while I was with Jinny at the mall. Pretty sweet stuff.
Apparently, I have a bit of style! It boosts my self-esteem a bit to hear that from a girl... or 3... or 5... or 6.. and a few guys... It's rather refreshing!
Got a job interview today/tomorrow, whatever you want to call this day, the 6th. MGM! I'm a bit nervous just to think about it because I don't really want to be sucked into the whole super Vegas casino scene. I hear it's a good job anyway, Sheenna is trying to pull me in. I just don't think it'll work out with my school schedule much at all. I still need to try back again at Apple. That would be most delightful!
So, finding out that a few other girls you didn't expect to "crush" on you, had a "crush" on you, makes for a really interesting scene. I hung out with a group of friends that I don't normally hang out with twice this past week. They're technically friends of friends, who are now, well, my friends. oddly enough. Texting, game nights, facebook, you name it. It's like I've been sucked in... So yeah. Just really funny in general. Sometimes, I don't even know how to act, or how I would've acted in these crazy situations with new people and such. It's totally wicked!! It really makes me laugh a whole lot... I'm surely learning about myself a whole lot.
Also the gossip line is really funny. I love how it works. It surprises me to hear that people would care enough about me to talk to someone else about me. I mean, do they really care that much?!
Well, that's about it. I feel like I've ranted a good amount for tonight. Maybe I should write more productive things at times... ha. I should.

Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Getting things together!

Well, Christmas was pretty intense, New Years also. Not like the usual intense, as in wow, that was crazy, but intense as in passionate. I personally went through a few revisions and changes in myself that kind of aided to that. I didn't really make the best decisions this year, although I decided to make it a pretty big giving year. I stressed myself out a bit, but overall it worth it.
Well, as a result of a pretty big void in my time, I've decided to start a photo blog... maybe. We'll see. I really should be taking pictures more often than what I've been doing now. I've been a bit lame. I did a 15 minute little play around with Dilon from church. I was really trying to work with the sunset more than him. I figure that the experience actually shooting and changing settings is well worth it.
Other things, well I got a $16 bookshelf from Target! Gotta love that Target, good old cheap stuff that kinda works well! I ended up ripping my room apart again and trying to reorganize everything. It's really weird now that things are coming together. It's almost presentable! Like wow! Now I need to fill some picture frames with pictures and place them around the room and stuff. My walls are pretty bare still, sadly.
Work has been work, I finally got my level 2!! Funniest part about this past week was everyone asking me what am I going to do now that Britt is gone. They all thought that I was dating her and that we didn't want to go public. I laughed pretty hard then felt pretty sad thinking her absence. So yeah, that was work. Jade was being really funny and cute and really not helping things, but it was funny anyway.
I reflected on a bit of my written journal, which is more of a mess than this is, and thought about the word "space" in terms of friendship and relationships. In this little tangent of thought, I ended up talking to few other people about what they defined "space" as, when it comes to "i need more space." I felt justified in thinking that space was referring to a severing of communication-- phone calls, texts, talking, what not... stuff like that. They all agreed. Upon a well needed and not so well timed talk, I found that I was mistaken or something was lost in interpretation.... but it all didn't matter at all, since the choice of words didn't reflect what she wanted to say. So I thought about all this random stuff for basically no reason. That's basically the story of my internal workings wearing itself out. Pretty crazy.
Exercise has been pretty killer lately as well, I can't believe how much I really suck at doing something so normal as breathing!! Seriously, the whole running down a field and trying to chase a ball doesn't really work so well for me.
Wooo, yeah, I should probably finish this up sometime, but I had a pretty good night, smell like smoke, dropped chocolate on my couch, still need to clean my room and am super tired... so i'm going to bail... woot.