Thursday, January 06, 2011

Can you FEEL it!?

Well, after a good successful night of cooking and hanging out with friends, I sure did head over to the Lindquist's for a little Despicable Me and a full body massage! Yeah, I'm no longer a full body massage virgin. My oh my, it was pretty intense and went by all too quickly. I couldn't believe how fast 1:15 went by!! Needles to say, it was amazing.
So food was pretty good. I ended up learning a bit on the wok. It sure is different than using a pan!! I should've taken pictures of it all. Fried rice, string beans, chicken and onions, white rice. All good. Nom nom nom...
I heard someone wanted to set someone else on a date with someone that I know tonight. The first thing that ran into my head was "realllly?!?" followed by "seriously!?" and "what?!" Sometimes my mind just can't comprehend what other people think. I know that's quite normal thankfully, but really this was just one of those.... "wait... what?!" moments. I laughed and challenged it anyway.
Well, my room is clean. I've enjoyed that. Scriptures read. I'm home safe. I had a good night. I'm sore. I had a weird day at work. I had fun afterward for sure.
Oooh, work.. yeah, I've been asked today "what's wrong?" enough times to annoy any grown man. the whole "you're not being yourself" or "you're not super bouncy and excited" really grows old fast. On that note, not that I'm depressed or anything, but apparently injuries to the lower back and tailbone have influences towards depression. I learned that while I was getting my butt rubbed... which by the way, was really weird.. my right butt cheek definitely is more ticklish than my left.
I really want to get a watch. I saw one while I was with Jinny at the mall. Pretty sweet stuff.
Apparently, I have a bit of style! It boosts my self-esteem a bit to hear that from a girl... or 3... or 5... or 6.. and a few guys... It's rather refreshing!
Got a job interview today/tomorrow, whatever you want to call this day, the 6th. MGM! I'm a bit nervous just to think about it because I don't really want to be sucked into the whole super Vegas casino scene. I hear it's a good job anyway, Sheenna is trying to pull me in. I just don't think it'll work out with my school schedule much at all. I still need to try back again at Apple. That would be most delightful!
So, finding out that a few other girls you didn't expect to "crush" on you, had a "crush" on you, makes for a really interesting scene. I hung out with a group of friends that I don't normally hang out with twice this past week. They're technically friends of friends, who are now, well, my friends. oddly enough. Texting, game nights, facebook, you name it. It's like I've been sucked in... So yeah. Just really funny in general. Sometimes, I don't even know how to act, or how I would've acted in these crazy situations with new people and such. It's totally wicked!! It really makes me laugh a whole lot... I'm surely learning about myself a whole lot.
Also the gossip line is really funny. I love how it works. It surprises me to hear that people would care enough about me to talk to someone else about me. I mean, do they really care that much?!
Well, that's about it. I feel like I've ranted a good amount for tonight. Maybe I should write more productive things at times... ha. I should.

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