Wednesday, October 22, 2003

With the crazy sporadic people and hectic lives they're entangled in, time is limited. School, work, errands and fun stuff... its all worked in there somewhere... Fun? its fragmented between everything... little here, little there... and well, whenever you really do have time to have some fun... not too many people are available to kick it with you... You find time for me, and I'll find time for you... that's how it really is now... well, either that or, I'll find time for you and I'll get myself a danish while I look at this again... I bought a new case for my computer today... it was kinda in impulse buy but was planned a while ago... so, well i dont know what that makes it... i bought a case fan as well, you know, to help cool the system down... anyway, i transfered everything from my old case to the new, and well found out that the fan has 3 lights in on it... its kinda funky... now i have little colored spots on one wall... it kidna makes for a cool effect though... Along with my case, I had to buy a heatsink and cooling fan for my processor (the real reason i went shopping- my fan died on the other heatsink and my computer was down for 2 days..) and well, I guess it was a good investment ($19.99). I was able to overclock quite a bit more than I previously could. And well, along with the death of my cpu fan, my main hard drive with windows on it was also formatted by a virus. I reinstalled Windows Xp and Service pack 1 and everythings back up and running... except the soundcard, I believe i burnt it out (couldn't handle the overclocked power)... anyway, I'll probably buy a cheap one next week ($19.99). Lamers.... LAMERS!!! Back in 6th grade, our class went on a trip to Springfield, IL. At the time, a couple of buds and I were able to room and ride the whole trip... I recently ran over pictures that I took over the trip, and well, I found, along with the many interesting pictures, a picture of our bus. On it said LAMERS, the bus company... Work is still work, nothing too exciting, people are still people, they're still annoying... what changes in a period of forever? I was let off work early today, most likely due to me being a minute late. I wanted to stay longer, but didn't really care much to grovel and beg (like it'd get me anywhere anyway... well maybe closer to the floor). Besides being really hot and sweaty, handheld is pretty nice, and its a lot nicer when you're actually recognized for your efforts... I was recently told that everyday that I'm on handheld, our store or paywindow, receives 1 or 2 compliments. Thats kinda helping me keep a somewhat positive or neutral outlook on INO. Scott was over today for a brief moment, and mentioned that he was going out to a park to play some cards. At the time I was putting the puzzle pieces of my computer back together. Scott said something about UNO, and something nostalgic came to my mind... I haven't played cards for the longest time and I'd think it'd be fun if I (we) got a group together to play some card games... UNO, Phase 10, Spoons, Hearts, Poker, Junk like that.... I can't remember the last time I played Uno... Phase 10 was back with Ashley, Todd, Karalee, Aaron, Jamie, Carolyn, Lindsay and I believe one more, but of course, I'm always mistaken.. Spoons was with Jolynn and Missy, Hearts was back in Chicago in a basement with my brother's friends, Poker was with Phil and his drunk friends who were wanting to strip... Well, the concert is coming up... I dont know if I'm really going to go or not... I can't really afford it, but of course I could probably fit it in and still be alright and ok.. I still might be able to go though, hopefully with a cheaper price tag... Scott and a bunch of church friends are all going to the concert as well as Lawrence. Scott's friend is going out of town during the day and well, Scott's going to check to see if she is still going to use the ticket (or like save it or somethin... who knows).. One of my plans was spoiled by my lack of saying no... I spent quite a bit of money just on food and going out and stuff... then well i spent 70 more bucks today on my computer crap... On thursday, I was planning to run down to my insurance company and see what the heck I bloody need. I asked my dad for his liscence on that day and he said that he doesn't understand why, so he'd going to call them to figure it out... So I say... whatever, alright, go ahead... With this next check, I should be clear for most of the crap I need to get done, well except the insurance thing... hopefully that will be taken care of soon, I don't want the Squires to pay another month for it, but it seems that I slacked off too much for that not to happen.. Structure Card needs to be paid off.. Cell Phone needs to be paid off.. but for both of those, I have another 2 weeks... As usual, April asks how's Karalee doing? I swear its a routine now... "She's doing well I think, Call her, see whats up".... I think thats kinda.... yea, finish? I need not. I tortured myself for a total of 39 minutes talking to Bill... I had nothing else better to really do, so well, I called him up... I wasn't planning on talking for that long, but what is planned that doesn't go wrong? It was weird, cuz he was talkin and talkin and talkin, then asked if I talked to Ashley lately. I replied no and said I haven't tried for a while now.. Later on that night, approximently 30 minutes later.. I recieve a voicemail from Ashley just sayin whats up and askin how I'm doin... I was kinda sad, my phone didn't ring any and I got the voicemail 10 minutes after she called... So anyway, I called her back and left a message on her voicemail.... She's cool..... I'm wondering when I can get rid of these cats now.. They were cute for a long time and everything, but now its like, ahhh.... this one doesn't like me and just runs around the house... They're not doing anything bad, they're just there... Not really interacting with me (except the lightest one which I've yet to name)... Lyra is still moody, not sure if she's scared of me or if she likes me. Wow, this post is going to be another long one... RECORD BREAKING!! MYKII GOES FOR THE GOAL!!! that and a cup of java.... heh I wish. More so, I'd like a Toffee Nut Creme.... oh blah.. For some reason, I'm really sore all over... My abs, arms legs, butt.... all sore... and I couldn't tell you why either.. Oh yea, not to exclude my neck either, but wow, they all hurt... I don't have the money to go and get a total physical yet, but it'll be done sometime. Oh yea, along with cleaning my room/house still and well, getting a desk for my room... and also some blinds so people can't watch me grease myself up before I do some sweat breaking typing on my computer... ¤[Thought]¤ If you say that you're going to do something, do it wheither it be Writing letters, paying people, calling people back, writing e-mails, picking someone up..... just saying you will doesn't make you any better, or respectable of a person. And I know I have my things to work on, I hope others work on theirs too... Andy, Ian......

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