Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Blast from the past...

Well I just got home from an interesting little trip. Today has been a little weird, but it's kind of neat. I felt good about it at least. Let see, work was non existent, that was neat. School was a bit different, review for finals was a definite plus. I'm sure that I'm going to have a bit of trouble if I don't get my act in gear here. Study study study. Anyway, the weird part was coming home to a friend request from Dawn!! I got a little too excited and talked to her for a good while on the phone. I also ended up heading down to UNLV to catch up with her and see how she was doing. Well, it kind of sucks that she can't say that she's doing amazing or anything, but she's working through it all. We had a good little time chatting away for a couple hours and such. I've missed her for a while, after all, I don't really forget who I've kissed. She still looks exactly the same despite having a 4 year old and being under loads of stress. She told me of her life and how things were really rocky while I was gone in England, and she told me of her little plan to get through things. Overall, it was just nice to hang out with her for a bit. We both ended up saying that we don't really have that many friends... I guess I have a few, but yeah... things are different. Anyway, I offered to be there to listen to anything that she's got going on in her head, I found out that she's also very much like me... rather interesting really. I really do wish her the best and hope that she chooses to be happy throughout what she goes through. It's always kind of fun talking about the old times and those times of fun to get your mind off of the random crazy crap in the current season. It helped me a lot.

On the way home, I took the opportunity to help a lady on the side of the road right off Auto show and the 95. I've had a couple good experiences come to me by taking these opportunities to serve the other children of our Father in Heaven. I looked at the car, which was clearly over heated, and offered to run and get some oil for it. She, Leslie, agreed and tossed me a fiver and I took off. While I was at the gas station, I just felt like I should buy her two quarts of oil and give her back her money. The look on her face when I showed up to deliver the oil and her money back was priceless. Seeing someone that happy really made me enjoy the blessings of serving another. She exclaimed, "The would would be better with more people like you!" and I assured her that there are many like us. I was even more happy when she noticed the ring on my keychain as I went to shake her hand. She and her friend commented, "Oh, of course, you're Mormon!" That made me laugh and smile a bit more as I gave her a passalong card. I've really been digging on chances that Heavenly Father gives me, and I'm thankful to recognize those opportunities and not let them pass by, for my sake and theirs.

I'm feeling like I've been working really hard to try to keep myself connected with people, mostly friends. As a turn of events, I've been boycotting the outgoing phone calls for the most part, as most of my calls don't yield any results in actual contact or substantial conversation. It's not like I haven't tried either. I do, I call now and again and try to get something going. Well, if there are things thrown out there, nothing really ever comes to fruition. Its like things are said just to please the moment. Yeah, let's do this, let's do that. Yeah, I've yet to see something put into action for 3 weeks now. It makes me sad, but if they don't want to hang out with me, I'm not going to force them. I honestly don't think I need as many minutes as I do on my phone plan.

Typically, I end up feeling like this during Christmas. I'm sure I felt the exact way before. And really, I guess that people are just as busy now as they were then. I can't blame them for having relationships and disappearing I guess. I think I'm just hurt because I don't get as much time to hang out with them. I'm selfish, the realization hits, and hits hard.

Oh and on top of that, Mary decides to contact me more and desires to meet with me for lunch while she's here for Christmas. Why not... I guess.

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