Sunday, December 19, 2010


Well, i don't even know what to say.
Melinda got in contact with me today... fun text message.
I went to china town and bought a bunch of food... and a few presents and stuff..
Not sure if I'll actually give them away though, it might be weird. They cost a pretty penny..
I've learned that I have a hard time saying no. Really weird talking to the sales ladies... It's funny, I can share my whole story about how I learned Chinese in Chinese, and they're all impressed. It makes me laugh. They're super nice like that, I wonder if it's just a culture thing or if it's just to get me to buy things... Anyway, the last lady was talking about how I seem like such a nice young man and said I should find a chinese girlfriend so I can learn and practice Chinese everyday. I laughed.
Really though, I spent like 200 bucks today. Freakin heck. I cleaned my ears today, holy crap I've never seen so much build up in my life... that was scary.
Going through pictures is kind of funny. I'm missing a buttload of pictures... I wonder what happened to them. I'm sure that Ash went through and took a bunch while she sent me some... oh well...
Work was really insane today, insane as in chaotic. Things weren't working, being short handed sucked.. The drive waited 20 minutes. Crazy lady freaked out and was honking and calling Julianne names and stuff. The lady was rich and drove a white E-class benz... the guy behind her was calling her names because of how she was treating Julianne. It was rather interesting. I was on fries after being on handout for ev er. It was pretty hectic, but I stayed with it. I think I proved that I had earned a fry raise... stupid animal fries. Heck....
Anyway, that's been about it..
Oh, talked to Dawn for like 3 hours today... that was kind of fun.. apparently I know a lot of people that are very similar to me... apparently I've liked a lot of people very similar to me... maybe I just like me... I should marry me... i'm cool enough.

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