Friday, December 17, 2010

I'm really sucking at life...

I've been trying to be uplifting to Dawn. So many things are happening to her that it's been a pretty rough ride. There is point that she hit where things that it weren't a big deal basically made her snap. I've pretty much hit that this morning. I needed to deposit my money I got for my books last night. I really needed, I wanted to, but for some reason I just didn't. I was lazy and everything. Because of that, my account is -99.80. That's all the cash I was about to put it. I've wasted 70 dollars on stupid fees. I really can't believe how irresponsible I was. I need to get my crap together. Clean my room, organize it, pay my bills early, get moving on things that I need to get done. I've really got to stop sitting around waiting for people to contact me. I can do this. I'll be fine. I'm going to rock it up this next week.

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