Monday, December 06, 2010

Day 3

Ah yes, the house is actually warm thanks to one little tiny space heater! My room is a little cleaner in some regards, and more messy in other regards. I'm pretty much being a weird bum and slowly unpacking while working on pictures. The past two days have had me working on two different shoots. They haven't been bad, just little quickies that turned out pretty decently well. Both shoots were pretty dang early in the morning, and of course with my stupid sleep schedule, I don't end up with much sleep at all. Well, I know I'm in charge of that and of course can change that, but most of the time, I just don't have the desire to go to sleep. I get "distracted" and end up spending a bunch of time editing pictures, or reading random blogs about photography or stalking people's lives. Ha, yeah, stalking lives. I wish that'd be true, I'd then have a reason to be somewhat odd and creepy.

I've been wanting to get a telephoto lens and a teleconverter. I've really been thinking that going to public places and sitting around on benches and such, taking pictures of random people candidly, would be quite relaxing. It's like a step up from people watching, and a step closer towards people stalking, but I think as long as I don't take multiple pictures of the person each time she walks by, I'd be fine. I'd think it'd be relaxing and something to do to pass the time, and perhaps could produce some neat looking pictures at least relaxed looking pictures.

I'm learning to let go of jealousy. There are times where I do feel this feeling that makes my heart want to drop that I want to shrug off. It's been getting better as I've been going with the flow. I don't have time to be jealous, nor have the excess energy to deal with it. Heavenly Father knows. It's kind of amazing what kind of miracles occur like this in my life. I guess you can say that I don't care enough to be jealous, although I do care.

I had a good time at church today, although I was tired out of my mind. Priesthood was great, we had the Relief Society president and someone else come in and talk to us about home teaching, from the sister's views. It really just made me really want to be an awesome home teacher and do what I need to do to fulfill that responsibility. I'm glad that I finally got my assignments for home teaching as well. I was thankfully able to go out and visit them earlier last week before the month ended. I've got some pretty cool girls. Kourtney and Lyss. Lyss is a friend of the Squires, which is kind of funny. Kourtney is kind of new to the ward and such and is going to school I think. I think I'm going to get them something small for christmas for the heck of it. Maybe Sean and I will make some food for them or something.

I went and stopped by the Squires' families today. I ended up starting off by heading over to Karalee and Todd's to say hi. Kimball and Jinny were there before me, as Jinny had received a massage I think. They're all sorts of doing this couple date thing... I'm getting used to it, it's still a bit lame. I don't think that that helps with me not distancing myself, I think it's inevitable when things go like that. It's alright though, i got some day next week where I'm hanging out with Karalee to learn how to cook stuff... I'm excited, it's always nice to learn something new to have in your little book of know-hows. I said hi to the Gratteau's and installed a new video card in their computer that I think is going to die sometime. I also picked up my modular stereo system (which is partially messed up now, unfortunate) It still works, but it's not synced together now, one of the cables got ripped. Kind of sad, but whatever, just a little inconvenience that I've got to deal with. It's not something I need to stress about. I guess while still on the negative side, I'd like to make a note that I also have 0 of 2 remotes for the system. Amazing. Really.

This weekend I've been spending quite a bit of time getting ready for the apartment. I've been spending a lot of money on random goodies, I got myself a little end stand table thingy that proves to be quite handy while I'm in my bed. I've also got myself a floor lamp that does its job of illuminating my room. It kind of makes it have a different feel than what i'm used to. for some reason I've got this same weird feeling that I had when I lived in Britt's room before the mission and after the mission. I'm sure it'll pass in a month or so once I get settled. I still need to buy a desk, and basically I'm skint now. I've spent a butt load on crap that I probably didn't really need. I bought a Sonic toothbrush for 40 bucks. It's nice, but sure wasn't needed. The opportunity for getting new clothes from Express with a discount came across and I sure had to hit that up. Basically, I've got retrain myself and budget crap again. I'm ridiculous.

I've got to get the Lindquist's pictures done. They're practically done and such, but I just need to fix a few things in Photoshop, which I don't have. Kind of lame. After that, I'll probably work on pictures I want to print out and frame for my room. I still got to work on a few random presents for Christmas as well. That'll be pretty interesting to do. Elyssa made a little request. We'll see what I can scrounge up.

What am i going to do for Christmas?? Yeesh, there's so much to get, and I've only got like 2 people things so far... and I'm skint.. I'm just a moron, I know I've spent too much on one person already, it's kind of stupid. I'm not smart at this at all.

I need to sell Kimball's wedding ring. Gah, so much to do.

Its kind of weird when things you'd normally do or say to people have to change. It's just as weird when they don't respond as they usually would. I guess it's all part of the progression. I guess you can't say "I love you" to everyone.

Well, I'm done. Super tired now, and I'm sure that I'll have enough sleep for work tomorrow. Bright and early. 10:00am. Brilliant.


Me. Woot.

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